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Castle Prime Mover Truck Wash, 20lt (A)

SKU #: 01198

$116.65 ex GST
$128.32 inc GST
Prime Mover is efficient and economical in removal of all normal soils, including oxide films, from paint/enamel and metal surfaces or cars, trucks, buses, trailers, etc., with one product.

Prime Mover is described as a “Quick Break Detergent” and has been tested to break within the 60 minute parameter. This is an entirely new type of car shampoo. It is outstandingly superior to all other car shampoos because of its ability to remove films of oxide from painted and metal surfaces. (Oxide films occur on paint, enamel and lacquer, and also metals such as chrome, aluminium, etc.).

The removal of these oxide films has the effect of restoring lustre to previously coated surfaces, and ensures full brightening. The subsequent rinse leaves a chemically cleaned surface, with complete absence of streaks.

Product features
▪ Cleans without removing the wax finish.
▪ Can confidently be used on all metals, including aluminium.
▪ Is nontoxic and safe for manual use.
▪ Is readily soluble in hard or soft water, producing instantaneous and abundant controlled foam.
▪ Because of its near neutral pH, is not harsh on the hands or duco.